by Paul Slaybaugh | Jun 16, 2010 | McCormick Ranch Subdivisions
With 255 homes, Suggs Rancho McCormick is one of the largest subdivisions in all of McCormick Ranch. Ranging from the initial development of the aptly named Suggs construction company in the late ’70s to the infill completed in the late 1980s by Key West (spin off of Camelot / Hancock Homes), the homes are as diverse as they are numerous.
Located just NE of the Hayden / Royal Palm intersection (across from the Mercado Del Lago plaza and Lake Margherite), Suggs Rancho McCormick is unique in that it boasts some of the more affordable single family homes in McCormick Ranch in addition to higher end properties. The homes built by Suggs (who likewise developed much of the Paseo Village subdivision in the South Ranch) are about the most cost effective option one will find for the northern portion of McCormick Ranch (using Via De Ventura as the dividing line). Primarily built with exposed slump-block exteriors and asphalt shingle / flat roofs, most range from 1700-2300 square feet. With low ceilings that reflect the vintage, the lack of architectural drama is less important than the added energy efficiency to those who chose to purchase one of these homes. The more utilitarian style of these homes makes them an excellent value, given the more expensive housing in the immediate vicinity. These properties are found along the Southern edge of the subdivision (Royal Palm). Moving North, the homes become slightly newer (mid 80s). Homes from this era may feature a tile roof and vaulted ceilings, while those along San Ardo, San Bruno and San Alfredo tend to be of the older variety.

Suggs Home Key West Home
The Key West properties, as well as a couple of smaller builders who purchased and developed a handful of lots, are located at the North end of the subdivision. The properties on San Jacinto, San Lucas and that line the South side of San Lorenzo are prime examples. Boasting the soaring vaulted ceilings and full tile roofs that made the brand famous, Key West homes were ahead of their time. Including floor plans with kitchens that opened to the family room (a renovation owners of other McCormick Ranch homes often have to make themselves), Key West also had a 3 bedroom + den option (most builders were still doing strict 3 or 4 bedroom plans) in addition to one plan with a master bedroom split. These homes are much more in keeping with the more expensive neighborhoods to the West of Hayden Road, notably the Camelot subdivisions of Vista De La Tierra and Palo Viento 2.
View Key West Floor Plans at the McCormick Ranch Home Floor Plans Page
In all, the 255 homes of Suggs Rancho McCormick include 254 single-level properties. The lone 2-story was created when a homeowner added the second level to a house that backs up to Hayden Rd on 85th St. 173 (68%) of the homes feature private swimming pools. The average home size is 2156 square feet. The Suggs properties were primarily block constructed, while the Key Wests and assorted minor builders of the mid to late ’80s primarily utilized frame wood. 2 car garages are the norm, but the neighborhood does include 3 car garages as well.

In addition to the aforementioned proximity to Lake Margherite (largest of the McCormick Ranch lakes), Suggs Rancho McCormick is within walkable distance of the greenbelt / multi-use path system known as Camelback Walk. Mercado Del Lago and The Village plazas on the opposite side of Hayden Road are home to The Melting Pot, Chipotle, Royal Barge (Thai), Zipps Sports Bar and Grill, TCBY, The Village Roastery (coffee shop) and more. Just beyond these plazas and Lake Margherite (where Camelback Walk crosses under Via De Ventura) lies the first of the McCormick Ranch golf courses (Palm & Pine).

Suggs Rancho McCormick falls within the highly coveted Cochise Elementary / Cocopah Middle / Chaparral High School districts.
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Homes Currently For Sale in Suggs Rancho McCormick
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by Paul Slaybaugh | Jun 16, 2010 | Home Selling, Scottsdale Real Estate
Among the interesting turnabouts that abound in the Scottsdale Real Estate market as of late, the rental market has demonstrated surprising new strength. Where there was formerly a preponderance of housing options for prospective tenants over the last couple of years, what with all the struggling homeowners out there eager to find someone else to pay their mortgage while they shacked up in less costly digs, a noticeable contraction in available properties for lease is occurring. With more and more people walking away from their upside down homes, whether by necessity or by choice, the credit and financial hits they take in the process renders them radioactive to the purchasing option for years to come (though, some have perfected the “buy and bail” strategy of purchasing a new home before abandoning the current residence). As such, the rental market has become inundated with demand.
With this surge in demand and a subsequent decrease in supply, rental values have not only held firm, but have noticeably increased in the markets I work. From a purely anecdotal standpoint, I have been shocked by the level of competition for not only the properties I have had listed for lease recently, but for the tenants I have worked with to secure rental properties as well. Mind you, I am not simply referring to the low end pricing (sub $1000/month) where heightened competition is always to be expected, but in more expensive price ranges to boot. In particular, I am seeing a LOT of interest in properties that are renting in the $1400-1800 per month range.
Checking the latest statistics to see if what I have noticed is playing out on a larger scale, I see active Scottsdale rental listings are down to roughly 1800 units (as of ARMLS’s May figures). This marks a steady decline from an inventory that reached a high point of 2568 in November of 2008 and did not dip under the 2000 unit threshold until January 2010. The 5.19 months of rental housing supply (as determined by the current rate of absorption) is at its lowest point in years. Interestingly, the overall average rental rate has not shown a noticeable jump, despite my recent personal observations. Given the decrease in total inventory and increase in absorption (units leasing per month), however, I fully anticipate next month’s numbers to reflect a higher baseline average.
This shift in the rental market tells me two things:
1) Before deciding to walk away from a house that appears irretrievably underwater in terms of negative equity, homeowners (and potential future renters) really need to study their options carefully. If I had a nickel for every misguided homeowner who erroneously believed there was an unmitigated plethora of housing options, at bargain basement prices, waiting for them once they pulled the plug on the Bank of Extortion … er, I mean “America” … I could comfortably retire to my literary tinkerings. The assumption that lower selling prices go arm in arm with lower rental rates is patently false. Further, with all of the newfound competition for rental housing, your chewed up credit report will be scrutinized a bit more by potential landlords than most would expect. Sure, a human landlord may be more understanding of the recent economic woes than some faceless underwriter, but as in any free market, it always comes back to options. If there are renters out there with fewer credit issues and deeper pockets, you are going to get aced out. Please consider where your escape pod is heading before abandoning ship and scuttling that home turned financial Death Star. If there is no soft landing, how have you benefitted?
2. Our market may have reached (or is close to reaching) that sweet spot in which it makes sense for the homeowner with designs on a move-up purchase to revisit the rental potential of his/her existing home. While the notion of renting an existing house out (to offset the mortgage) to free oneself up to take advantage of the market conditions and purchase a considerably larger home for a fraction of its prior value is nothing new, the increasing strength in the rental market makes the strategy more feasible at present. The biggest hurdle to this play, other than deciding whether one is really cut out to become a landlord, remains the qualification process. Unless you are one of the fortunate few who maintain at least 25% equity in your home, you will essentially have to qualify to carry both loans (the existing house as well as the new one you would purchase). Even if you secure a tenant whose rent will cover the payment, you will be qualified for the new loan as if you were qualifying for both properties. If you have the means to do so, the time could be right to finally leverage the conditions that seemingly everybody and their brother’s mail carrier have already managed to exploit.
Whatever your goals for the Scottsdale Real Estate market, drop us an email or give us a call with your specific needs / questions. You might not be as trapped as you think.

(480) 220-2337 |
by Paul Slaybaugh | Jun 14, 2010 | McCormick Ranch Subdivisions
Country Horizons in McCormick Ranch features unique architecture that cannot be found elsewhere in Scottsdale’s first master planned community. Developed by Jaeger (only neighborhood in the Ranch where this builder was active), Country Horizons is a small enclave of homes just South of Mountain View Rd and directly East of Mountain View Park. The homes on 87th St abut the Mountain View Park soccer fields. San Victor (Southern boundary) backs up to the greenbelt (Camelback Walk), and the Rancho Antigua Condominiums (conversion) lie just on the other side of Country Horizon’s Eastern edge (87th Way).

Built primarily between 1982-1989 (though 13 properties were constructed in the ’90s), Country Horizons features architecture and styling that is a bit more modern than can be found most anywhere else in the Ranch (with the notable exception of the Frank Lloyd Wright inspired Mountain View East subdivision). Jaeger’s aesthetics were definitely designed to streamline living spaces and add an angular, geometric aspect to the prototypical McCormick Ranch home. Unlike the sterile front elevations that many modern style homes feature, houses in Country Horizons still bear the warm exteriors (stucco and clay tile) that epitomize Southwestern living. Call it “Spanish Modern,” if you will. Whatever the moniker, Country Horizons is very appealing given the limited quantity of such homes.
Featuring 67 total houses, Country Horizons is zoned R-7 for 7000 square foot lot minimums. A bit on the smaller side for single family homes in McCormick Ranch, the neighborhood caters to those in the market for the privacy of a detached residence, but lesser maintenance concerns than those developments whose lots can range between 1/3 acre – 1 acre. The homes are of primarily frame-wood construction with a mix of full tile and partial roofs. All 67 are single-level properties, and 48 (72%) include private pools. Averaging 2630 square feet, the homes in Country Horizons reach range from 2025 – 3309 square feet. The rare jewel of McCormick Ranch that is the 3 car garage can be found with a greater deal of frequency in Country Horizons (particularly in the newer models) than in most other Ranch subdivisions.
One of the few single-family subdivisions in which the HOA maintains the front yard landscaping, Country Horizons also includes an (approximately) 850 square foot recreation center for use by the residents.
Click to Zoom and View Image Descriptions
Within walking distance of Cochise Elementary School (just on the other side of Mountain View Park), Country Horizons also falls with the Cocopah Middle School and Chaparral High School districts.
In addition to immediate access to the Camelback Walk greenbelt & paths which take an intrepid jogger/cyclist/etc to all reaches of McCormick Ranch (lakes, restaurants, golf and shops to the West; restaurants, shops, Mustang Library and Scottsdale Healthcare to the East), Country Horizons residents also lie within close proximity of the 90th St corridor (Home Depot, Barnes & Noble, Fry’s grocery store, etc) and the business plaza at the SE corner of Hayden and Mountain View (Ranch Pharmacy, Joyful Chinese Dining, Leccabaffi (Italian cuisine), etc).
Homes currently for sale in Country Horizons
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If you are buying or selling a home in McCormick Ranch, call Ray & Paul. We have over 50 combined years of McCormick Ranch Real Estate expertise to put to work for you. Besides, we’re just all around neat guys.
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by Paul Slaybaugh | Jun 12, 2010 | McCormick Ranch Subdivisions
El Paseo is a McCormick Ranch patio home subdivision located at the SE corner of Hayden & Via Linda Rds in Scottsdale, AZ. Developed by Malouf between 1980-1984, these homes are hybrids between single-family detached properties and traditional attached townhouse/condo properties (El Paseo is legally classified as townhouse ownership). In essence, they are unique homes that have the look and feel of single family homes (with the exception of 1 common wall with neighbor), just without the expansive backyards that low-maintenance living enthusiasts abhor. Each El Paseo home does include of small, private backyard, many even with private pools, so they are ideal for those looking for the best of both ownership worlds: More privacy than a typical townhouse affords, and fewer maintenance headaches than a single family home entails (HOA maintains front yard).
Featuring 141 total homes, 136 are single-level (allowing for even more privacy) and 76 (54%) feature private swimming pools. Homes in the community average approximately 2012 square feet, feature frame-wood construction and 2 car garages. Zoned TH by the county (townhouse) and R-4 by the city (residential with minimum 4000 square foot lots), most El Paseo patio homes sit on a lot in the 6000-7000 square foot range.
View El Paseo (Malouf) models on the McCormick Ranch Home Floor Plans page
Surrounded by the more expensive single-family subdivisions of Estados De La Mancha and Playa Del Sur (amongst others), El Paseo offers a more affordable option for those looking to move into the North part of McCormick Ranch on a lesser budget. Within close proximity of the greenbelt (Camelback Walk), parks (Mountain View Park, in particular), lakes (Lake Angela, Lake Nino and Lake Margherite), restaurants (The Melting Pot, Zipps, Royal Barge, Joyful Chinese, Leccabaffi, Butters, etc), shops, golf (McCormick Ranch Golf Club – Palm and Pine Courses) and everything else McCormick Ranch has to offer, El Paseo appeals to people from all walks of life who like a little privacy stirred in with their low-maintenance living.

If you have been looking for a way to break into McCormick Ranch at a price you can afford, El Paseo might be just the ticket. Of course, if you are really attached to your weekly dates with the riding lawn mower, this might not be the neighborhood for you.
Homes For Sale in El Paseo of McCormick Ranch
Buying or Selling in McCormick Ranch? Put Ray & Paul to work for you! With nearly 50 years of combined McCormick Ranch Real Estate expertise, we are not just another pretty site.
(480) 220-2337 |
by Paul Slaybaugh | Jun 10, 2010 | McCormick Ranch Subdivisions, Scottsdale Real Estate
One of a select few subdivisions in McCormick Ranch (and all of Scottsdale, for that matter) that boast waterfront property, the Island at McCormick Ranch neighborhood is a true gem. Hugging the banks of all three of McCormick Ranch’s primary lakes (Lake Margherite, Lake Nino and Lake Angela), the Island is a custom home subdivision which features single family homes of a wide variety of style and architecture.

With 85 improved lots in the neighborhood, there are 74 single-level homes and 11 two-story homes. Zoned R1-10 for 10,000 square foot lot minimums (approx. 1/4 acre), the average house size is 3288 square feet (per the county assessor). 72 of the homes (93%) feature private pools. There is one undeveloped lot left in the community that is privately owned. Sitting on the North bank with a view right down the throat of the Lake Margherite, a multi-million dollar property will eventually replace one of the last pieces of bare dirt in all of McCormick Ranch. Home prices are similar to those of the nearby waterfront community of Vista Del Lago, with lakefront properties commanding well in excess of $1 million (multi-million in some cases), and interior lots selling for considerably less. Most construction took place in the late 1970s through the early 1980s, but there have been homes built as recently as 1998.

Click Map to Zoom
Though the island moniker is a bit of a misnomer, the subdivision is essentially a peninsula. Bordered by water on the North, South and East, the Island can only be accessed from Via Linda Rd at Del Camino (South entry) & Del Cadena (North entry).
The Island at McCormick Ranch falls within the Cochise Elementary / Cocopah Middle / Chaparral High School districts of the Scottsdale Unified School District.

Notable amenities, aside from the private boat dock privileges of those lucky residents with lake properties, include immediate access to the bike paths, fishing, boating, shops and restaurants of The Village and Mercado Del Lago centers (including Buster’s On the Lake, The Melting Pot, Chipotle, TCBY, Royal Barge Thai Cuisine, Zipps Bar & Grill and more), Camelback Walk (section of the multi-use path which traverses the McCormick Ranch golf course(s), neighborhood parks (Rotary Park & Mountain View Park are within walking distance), etc.

If you are drawn to both unique, custom homes and waterfront living, it doesn’t get much better than the Island at McCormick Ranch. While the lifestyle will not fit every budget, it is a fitting reward for those enterprising souls fortunate enough to call it home.
View of Lake Margherite from Via Linda
(The Island lies on the left bank, Vista Del Lago on the right)
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Homes For Sale in the Island at McCormick Ranch
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Ray and Paul Slaybaugh are your guides to McCormick Ranch Real Estate. With nearly 50 years combined experienced selling homes in Scottsdale, put McCormick Ranch’s resident specialists to work for you when the time comes to buy or sell. Nobody knows the Ranch like Ray & Paul.
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