Scottsdale Property Shop
Seller Archives
I Had a Choice … And I Made It.
Picture a bowl of primordial soup. No, really picture it. What does it look like? I see a gelatinous, gray gumbo of sorts. The contents within completely impervious to the light of the sun underneath an opaque, spoon-devouring outer layer. I don't need to make...
Houses Are Selling Like Hotcakes! … So Why Isn’t Mine?
Houses are blowing off the market, and yours continues to collect dust. What underlying truth continues to plague the Valley resale market?
Grinding to a Halt: The Art of Killing a Deal
Winning a negotiation is not about bullying the other party. It’s about bullying them politely.
The Feedback Fallacy
So you want some feedback on your home. Are you sure?
Falling Equities … Are Realtors to Blame?
Credit crisis. Foot dragging financial institutions. Risky Loans. All are usual suspects in the housing market debacle of 2007-present. What responsibility do we agents bear for tumbling home equities?
Short Sale Negotiation: Is There a Fox in Your Henhouse?
Short sale negotiation has become a cottage industry here in Scottsdale and the greater metro Phoenix area over the last few years. Of course, every cottage has a leaky pipe or two.
So You Don’t Want to Make Any Repairs, Eh?
Nobody likes making repairs or feeling renegotiated, but there are certain components of a home that must be in working order by closing.
Fixing Up When the Market is Down
With prices consistently falling for the past year and a half, why on God’s green earth would you invest more money into a depreciating asset?
Your Appraisal Is Wrong
Think an appraiser is the definitive word on your home’s value? Wrong. It’s your buyer … and he thinks your price is too high.
Options for Would-Be Sellers in a Difficult Market
It’s a tough time to sell a house, don’t let anyone tell you differently. That doesn’t mean that you don’t have viable options for navigating these murky waters.