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Seller Archives
Want Your Sale to Stick? You Have To Sell It Twice.
Oh, but that little house was turned out the day it landed on the multiple listing service! The hardwood floors all scrubbed and polished. The smell of freshly cut lawn and bougainvillea greeting new arrivals as they stepped out of Mazda Miatas and Chevy Tahoes and...
2010: The Year of the Niche in Scottsdale Real Estate
2010 is the Year of the Niche. It’s true, feel free to consult the Chinese calendar to verify. Scottsdale Real Estate practitioners, in self-defense, have turned to new and interesting means of keeping their businesses relevant in these inexplicable times. Today's...
The Interest Rate Boogeyman: Today’s Buyer Must Think Like Tomorrow’s Seller
So you have 20% to put down for a single family home in Scottsdale AZ. Your FICO scores are higher than Willie Nelson on Bob Marley Day in Montego Bay. You have been gainfully employed in the same W2 position with the same company for years. The American Express...
An Equitable Life-Line? What an Improving Rental Market Means to Scottsdale Real Estate Combatants
Among the interesting turnabouts that abound in the Scottsdale Real Estate market as of late, the rental market has demonstrated surprising new strength. Where there was formerly a preponderance of housing options for prospective tenants over the last couple of...
Real Estate Agent or Social Media Icon? Choose Wisely When Selling Your Scottsdale Home.
The collection of hats in a Scottsdale Real Estate listing agent’s closet grows at an exponential rate. We alternately don the garb of property evaluator, pitchman, marketing pro, receptionist / showing coordinator, contract prep specialist, home inspection...
When Less Is More: Why Listings Agents Should NOT Attend All Showings
By now, nearly every prospective seller in Scottsdale and the greater Phoenix area has been inundated with the well-worn advice that it is wise to make oneself scarce during showings. If HGTV and its fleet of “Real Estate experts” haven’t gotten to you yet, your...
1988 Called. It Wants Its Sign Riders Back.
There is nothing the Real Estate industry loves more than a good cliche. The more hackneyed the slogan, the more likely we are to roll it into our marketing campaigns. Take the expressions which appear on an old industry stalwart, the sign rider, with frightening...
Spontaneous Budgetary Combustion and the Quest for Marketing Fire
Never confuse activity with production. As powerful a five word mantra that a salesperson will ever encounter. When it comes to managing one’s business, the seductive powers of activity are often enough to lead a good REALTOR astray. While the carefully laid out...
Losing Buyers to the Banks? Time to Work On Your Bolo Punch.
You've been punched. You've been cajoled. You've been dismissed out of hand as a serious contender. Your corner wants to throw in the towel, but it's time to look deep inside yourself for that fighting spirit. This is your Rocky moment, and I'm your Mick. Tempting...
Someone Can Always Make Me an Offer …
If there were six words I could erase from the murky bog of a seller’s mind, it would be these. Within this seemingly innocuous sentence lies a terrible sickness. A Bubonic Real Estate Plague, if you will. The black death of a home sale.