The Scottsdale Property Shop

Really Real Real Estate Archives

Why Your Offer Loses

Tired of getting your teeth kicked in by competing buyers on the homes you try to buy? Wonder what sellers are thinking when they reject your offer time after time? You've landed on the right blog. Let's take a quick look at a few critical components of an offer...

The Good, The Bad and The Stinky

“So what do we think of Toots?” Rochelle Laraway waited the three seconds it took for her husband to look up from his notes. “Toots,” the software engineer questioned, pulling his keen eyes from the meticulously organized data on the yellow legal pad. “Mr. Bartowski,”...

Follow you on Facebook? Sure! Wait … why?

Follow you on Facebook? Sure! Wait … why?

I must confess, most solicitations to follow a local business on Twitter, Facebook or any other recently-sprouted head of the social media hydra are met with the same level of enthusiasm I once harbored for an extra trip to the orthodontist. Sure, I'll "like" your...

The Frankenstein House

The Frankenstein House

“Three fifty? Are you out of your freaking skull,” the rotund, little man bellowed beneath a reddening bald pate. “You disagree with my analysis,” Maxwell Listers surmised. He was not unaccustomed to the question, though twenty six years of patient rebuttal had him...